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Clever Ways To Bring Order To Your Home

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Have you ever felt that moment of panic when someone is about to drop by for a visit, and you know your house looks like a tornado has been through? You’re not alone! The Reject Shop Style Curator shares her tips and tricks to keeping a more orderly home.

With a few clever storage solutions and small habit changes – it’s time to take control of mess using some of the latest pieces available at The Reject Shop.

Clever Storage Solutions

It’s impossible to keep a tidy home when items clutter every surface or you don’t have a ‘home’ for objects. Finding enough storage in your home is a challenge most of us face but there are a few tricks and some inexpensive storage items you can use to maximise the space you have.

Vacuum space bags

Without a doubt, one of my favourite storage space savers are vacuum space bags – they can reduce the size of clothing and blankets by three, while also protecting your garments until you need them. In minutes you can pack away bulky items that you don’t need for the next season and store them safely in your garage or high in a cupboard without fear of moths or mildew attacking.

Under bed storage

A space I hadn’t taken proper advantage of until recently is under-bed storage. Even low beds can offer valuable storage space for items you need infrequently. Try an under-bed storage box from The Reject Shop with handy removable dividers which makes it easy to store anything from clothing to documents.

Garage storage

Most of us are probably pushing the limits of what our garages can store but there may be a better system to maximise this space. Clear containers make it easy to identify what’s in your garage (also a great idea to label these) and because they can be stacked, they allow you to store more.

Tidy Home Habits

Creating a more organised home isn’t just about better storage solutions though – there are small changes we can make that really add up. I’ve recently adopted a few of these and have noticed my house become tidier while my stress levels have also reduced.

A weekly planner

Whether you live alone or are running a household with busy children, it’s a great idea to create a weekly planner where you can set out your agenda for the week. From scheduling appointments, to jotting down important dates, and even allocating chores to everyone living in your home, a white board in a high traffic area of the home works a treat.

It can be a struggle to find a whiteboard that’s stylish enough to have out on display, which is why I love this trick of using a photo frame instead. This large A2 oak frame is just $15 from The Reject Shop and I created a simple planner to place inside. The plastic front is as easy to clean as a whiteboard and I can change the look of it by simply printing out different designs.

Use the basket system

There is nothing more frustrating than packing up the same room over and over again each day, and if you have kids in your home, you’ll know this feeling well!

There’s a simple solution to keep those floors clutter free and your rooms looking tidy all day long. Keep a stylish basket or hamper in each room, and throughout the day, pop anything on the floor or that doesn’t belong in that room into the basket. Before bedtime, you can grab the basket and put everything back in its right place.


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